Uppercut Deluxe Featherweight

Uppercut Deluxe Featherweight


Featherweight gets its name from being a lighter paste, that packs a punch. With low shine and firm hold, this is one of the most versatile products in the Uppercut Deluxe range.

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Featherweight gets its name from being a lighter paste, that packs a punch. With low shine and firm hold, this is one of the most versatile products in the Uppercut Deluxe range.

This fibre paste was originally designed for the no-nonsense kinda guy, the guy who wants a product that can do it all. Featherweight is a light paste that has plenty of tack, which makes it perfect for creating volume and lift in styles that need a boost. Topped off with a low shine, Featherweight is perfect for creating textured, pieced out styles.


Hold: Firm Hold

Finish: Low Shine

Style Guide: Perfect for adding volume and lift in all styles.

Hair Type: Suitable for all hair types of short and medium length

Fragrance: Fresh Lemongrass

Size: 70g

Base: Water Based

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